Working professionals never have it easy! From juggling a million things at work to making sure everything is taken care of at home, self-love is somewhere is a lost cause. Work-life balance teaches us to manage professional and personal life together but we forget the most important thing which is managing our health and the related lifestyle.
When we talk about a healthy lifestyle, immediate thinking is directed towards our body and we tend to think about diet and exercise! Good health isn’t about our body, it also includes our mental health.
Our mind and body are interconnected and tend to affect each other, however, the former is ignored to a large extent while we are pursuing and thriving in our professional career.
Although there are many things recommended in order to achieve overall wellness. Here are 10 simple ways in which one can keep their mind, body, and soul healthy.
1. Meditating regularly
Mediating is an easy activity and doesn’t consume much time considering a hectic schedule. The benefits of meditation are that it improves memory, attention, immune system functions and helps keep calm and it also acts as a connector of the mind-body-soul connection.
2. Avoid sitting for extended periods of time
A very simple solution to overcome lethargy or getting overworked is to stand and move around while working. Sitting for a longer period of time is linked to heart diseases, diabetes, and a shortened lifespan
3. 15 minutes of moderate exercise each day
Exercise of any kind is important for heart health, physical stamina and maintain desirable mood in unlikely situations. A 15-minute moderate exercise of any kind is proven to be good for maintaining a good and healthy lifestyle
4. Add more plant-based foods to your diet
Eating a good amount of fruits and vegetables can help in preventing chronic diseases. Eating them raw deducts from the prep time and they are a healthy alternative when compared to junk food which is proven to be associated with harming one’s mental and physical health.
5. Get involved in a volunteering program or working for social causes
Purely a way to connect to your soul, volunteering or working for a social cause is a way in which one can give back in the purest of forms, donating is easy, venturing into the field and providing all the support that one can is truly nourishing and makes us more appreciative of the life that we currently have.
If you are looking forward to changing the way you function or simply cannot keep up with the stress that your profession induces on you, ACHIEVER NETWORK is a place where you can find internationally certified life coaches who take the utmost care of you and your varied needs.