ACHNET Coach and Conversation Coach gives her honest review of ACHNET Achiever Network and Employee Development Platform.

Hi, I’m Michele Stills, the Conversation Coach. I specialize in communication coaching. My clients want to date, to improve the quality of their meetings and their relationships. But their communication was getting in the way of their communication. That’s where I come in. I help them understand the neuro-biological responses that they’re having that are getting in the way of their good conversations. Then, I help them change their lives one conversation at a time. As a conversation coach, my biggest pain point is marketing and generating leads. I want to coach. I don’t want to spend my time marketing. I need to create videos, integrate my social media and my meetings all in one place. I chose ACHNET originally because of the slick user interface. It was easy and it looked really good, which to me was a mark of credibility. I think it’s a good fit for me because they have a huge database of professionals who are serious about their own personal and professional development. For me that’s important because I like to spend my time coaching not chasing leads. One of my favorite sections is the personality assessment. To me, in communication that’s very helpful. Different personality types do communicate differently and that’s very useful. In the future in this new year I want to integrate the meetings function, with the social media, and email and see if I can get everything integrated into one operating system — one platform. I would absolutely recommend ACHNET to others and I already have. The reason is that they have a really solid and tight platform. They have a lot of resources, such as the personality test, the ability to hold your meetings, integrate your email and social media all into one place. That saves me time and allows me to do the coaching and not the marketing and lead seeking.
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