How to identify your strengths to achieve your career plan?

Summer is often a time that is filled with transition, exploration and assuming new roles which comes along with financial year ends or the beginning of a new academic venture. People who are clear and have knowledge about what their strengths are prone to invest their energy in creating a better version of themselves, a version that is ready to face challenges or transition into an uncomfortable journey but the problem is we are not aware of what our strengths are!
We are programmed to understand strengths as something we are naturally good at, something that we don’t have to work hard on. True strengths of an individual can be a driving force, knowing that you are good at something and being passionate about it are two completely different things. What might look like your strength might not necessarily be your passion.
“Your interests in life drive your character strengths and vice versa. Bring the two together and you have a recipe for success in life. Interests and character strengths are two natural energy resources within us,”- Dr Ryan Niemiec
Once you are able to differentiate between what your character strengths and passion are, forming a career plan is a natural process that requires assessing options and ways to go about it.
With Achiever Network creating and achieving a career plan and actively pursuing for its success is made easier . With tools and services that integrate all your essentials onto one platform be it building a brand or increasing the visibility of your abilities you can easily achieve your career goals.