College Career planning for the millennial

Career planning- “A process which requires systematically matching career goals and individual capabilities with opportunities for their fulfillment”
The very definition of career planning sounds like activities that an individual indulges once the career path is chosen, on the contrary, experts say career planning starts at the early ages of one’s life, to be more specific it is a process that college goers must be thinking about and accordingly implementing some actions that would benefit and help them head in the right career direction.
Whether one is pursuing their interest in the under graduation program or in the post graduation program here is a guide divided into 2 phases that is compatible with every study program that a college student can think about
First Year of the program:
Verify your interests and other key career deciding areas like personality, passion, and values
During the first year of your program, you should be thinking about the things and areas that interest you and find out if those interests are something that can be made use of in a corporate scenario.
You can not only actively explore those interests through internships and summer jobs but also pick a major to support your interest with passion. It is best to seek career counseling in this stage and seek advices!
Achiever Network is the platform to be on if you are thinking about collating personal branding with your newly discovered interest, you can start creating a persona around your interest and if you do get lost, the platform also has career counselors to help you with seeking the right direction.
Subsequent years of the program
Connect, Implement, Apply and strengthen your hold
Connecting with industry people, networking with them after your first year of the program gives you a better understanding about the industry trend, assuming that you have already taken that internship or a job, your hold on the industry is bound to be better and hence you can start implementing your ideas towards your career goals one by one.
Before your graduation
The professional mindset
Many students suffer in the corporate world due to their student-centric attitude; if you desire to strive in the professional world culturing your attitude along the same lines is important. You can always update your resumes and cover letters to showcase your readiness or add more people to your professional network Join an association and contribute in some or the other way!