Resume and cover letter aren’t sufficient for a CAREER TRANSITION
“Transitions in life can offer opportunities for discovery.” Robbie Shell. This quote stands specifically true and is relatable if one is thinking of career transition or already in the process of undergoing one. A period where an individual goes under the process of changing their roles from the positions that they once held, preparing for a career transition might not seem like it is rocket science, you may think all you need is a resume and a cover letter and you are ready to go? NOT EXACTLY!

Transitions are proven to be more effective and fruitful if they are a result of mental preparedness. And it begins with self awareness where one needs to assess their strengths and weaknesses by asking certain questions like: What transferable skills, roles, experiences and interests was the most sought after.
The next important area after assessment where mental preparedness is required for career transition is in understanding the skills, education, experiences and personality traits. These are essential for a career that one plans to pursue and head in pursuit of options that best fits with the desired change. It is vital in this phase to stay motivated and focused as the result of exploring some options might not be what was desired.
Once the desired career is found and your pursuit begins, perseverance is just as important as mental preparedness in a career transition journey. The realization that career transitions are dependent upon various external factors and the time taken for different individuals making different transitions varies can be exhausting.
Though resumes and cover letters in a small way play a role in the journey of transition, it is the thought process and mental preparedness that adds meaning. In this phase having people who think along the same lines as you do is extremely helpful as they are more prone to understanding the challenges and provide the required support for you to reach your career transition goals, ACHIEVER NETWORK is the perfect place where you can find your tribe of like minded individuals. Apart from all the essential tools like attractive resumes, networking options, getting coached from International Coaches etc, the platform also understands that changes begin from within and to help reinforce that change provides all the required professional assistance helping you navigate through the difficult but fruitful career transition journey.